Friday, April 15, 2011

Aspasians Prep... Final Day... Night

I’ve been working since 7:15 this morning and I don’t see an end in the near future. I cannot lie! I can’t wait for Tayler to get here. I need a burst of energy. I only have 4 more of my own bows to prep and then 6 bows for Funky Laundry. Then I will start putting everything together. Just read Gregory a book because he refuses to go to bed… what is wrong with my crazy boy :) I hope to go to bed by 1 and be out of bed and ready to go at about 6:15. I will have to make a quick trip to Wal-Mart in the morning. BOOOO!!!
Custom order for Sara.
I even fit in a rush order tonight. She ordered the bow at about 7:15 and drove and picked it up at 9:00. Aubrey will look so cute with her little bow in her t-ball pictures tomorrow morning.
I have watched 2 movies today while working. I watched Country Strong and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Both were GREAT! Now back to music land. I feel bad because my husband’s dad and grandfather are staying the night with us tonight because they have to be at the airport very early tomorrow morning.
Pray for my sanity and crankiness tomorrow. I hope I see some pretty faces to brighten up my day after tonight. My husband built this awesome clothes rack that completely comes apart to transport it for tomorrow. He painted it black. I am so glad there will be a place to hang stuff! Thank you husband!

Print this coupon and bring it by for 15% off of your purchase or 25% off of a custom order.

Aspasians Prep... Final Day

It is the last day of prep for me before tomorrow. Yesterday was NOT a great day! I had an awful pregnant day. However I did get all of the single bows I had cut finished and a few big specialty bows. Lots of work today and Bradley stayed home to keep the kids away. Not because I don’t love my kids tons, but because I need total concentration! I will start taking pictures and posting probably after lunch and then as I finish.
I will be posting the coupon later this evening so be watching here and on facebook! Stop by booth a-103 tomorrow!! With any purchase from me you can enter to win an awesome hair bow prize!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Morning of Aspasians Prep... Day #3

 Morning of day 3 of Aspasians prep week. I have cut about 70 hair bows and I am going to start making them and putting them together today. What a way to spend my birthday :) I will be posting pictures throughout the day! Be watching. My desk is looking a tad bit better bit I am ready for it to be cleaned off and be completely ready for Saturday. I should be able to get all of the bows that I have cut made today and that gives me tomorrow to make even more!! I love feeling good about where I am at right now. Thank you Tayler for being AWESOME backup! We stayed up until about 12:15 and OH MY! that is way later then my bedtime of the past 4 or 5 weeks. The Lord is definitely giving me the extra burst of energy that I need to get through this week. My husband surprised me with my birthday present early last night. I got a new chair! Definitely much needed. The old dining room chairs were getting a little uncomfortable. Here is a picture of my new chair. Bradley said it wasn't the one he was going to originally get, but that when he saw it the chair screamed "Nicole's office!!" HAHA I thought that was so funny. I love it so much!!! I almost always know what my birthday present is going to be. In years past I prefer it that way, but this was a great surprise! The last bows we cut last night were some military bows. This was the mini bow I made. It measures 3 inches. What a cutie!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Aspasians Prep... Day #2 Mid Day...

Well it is day 2 and I have really only just started working. I have had a lack of energy so far today. I just got 3 more bows cut and my desk is looking more and more of a wreck!!
This is part of the reason I am having trouble working… Too much clutter! :) 

Aspasians Prep... Day #2

The Bow Girl @ Lil Peeps
M2M The Hollywood Ranch

I got 32 big bows cut yesterday and 14 single bows cut. I made the 14 single layer bows this morning on the couch while watching my mom put together a little kitchen for Addison. It was hilarious! I currently have 43 more specialty bows to cut and I plan on getting all of that done today (except for any ribbon I am waiting on). I will also be cutting more single layer bows, just not sure how many yet. I am trying to keep my head straight but it is spinning and going crazy! I will get all of this finished!! I will announce a special and post a coupon on my Facebook page Friday evening. Be watching for it and bring it with you on Saturday!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Aspaians Preparations..... Post #1

What my desk looks like midday on Day 1 of Aspasians prep.

What a long week it is going to be! I started cutting ribbon this morning for the Aspasians art fair this weekend and I need to put a massive dent into things today! My original list consisted of 70 hair bows but as I go, my list keeps growing. I will just keep praying that the Lord will give me strength to get through this week alive :) My goal is to have all ribbon cut tonight, and start working on the bows tomorrow and give myself through Friday evening to finish making everything. I think it is definitely possible with the system I have going, I just pray it actually happens. As I start getting bows made, I will start posting them as a sneak peak for those of you who will be attending this weekend. PLEASE feel free to share this with your friends. I will be doing a special Aspasians give away so you will have to stop by booth A-103 to enter!